Hello there! (Obi-Wan Kenobi mood). How about we practice writing skills ? For this purpose, I offer you to do a collaborative game with this virtual resource: RANDOM LETTER . I share it with us in case you want to practice with him. Do you remember the vocabulary seen in the past units? You will need it. The main objective of this game is to write as many words as possible with a letter generated by the online resource. I will generate 5 letters and you will have 2 minutes to write more words than the other teams with each letter. Once the 5 rounds are done, one team member will say all the words you have written. You can win 1 point for each well-written word . Moreover, if you have written a word that other teams haven't, you will get an extra point . The team with the highest score will win. Good luck! Source of the image: Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/es/)