Hey guys! 

We are going to practice your speaking skills above all, but the rest of your basic language skills too. To can do it, we are going to play a game called "the crazy menu". It is a role-playing game because you are going to recreate a situation in a restaurant when you want to take an order. This game will be played by couples. One team member is "the blue member", and the other is "the green member". 

To start, it is the turn of the blue member of the team. Click on the link that corresponds to you, "blue menu". Later to have clicked on it, you will see several slides that show three dishes. Your objective is to say to your partner the three dishes well pronounced. You shouldn't forget to use the following formula: "I will have..." Then, you must correctly pronounce the dishes that appear on the slides.

Later, it is the turn of the green member of the couple. Click on the corresponding link "green menu" and do the same as your partner. 

To finish, the class will discuss their dishes and you will check your answers. Besides, we will discuss which is the most healthy menu and why, and what menu you would choose. 

Your objective is to obtain the most quantity of points possible. You can win two points for each well-pronounced word (don't cheat!). Moreover, you can gain 1 point for each well-written word. The team with the most points will win. 

Good luck! 


The resources used to create this task are Canva (https://www.canva.com/) and Genially (https://genial.ly/es/). 

Source of the image: Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/es/)


  1. Good morning, Maria!

    First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the work you are doing on this blog. I have looked at the rest of the blog posts and I like that you have made one to develop each skill of learning English. This role playing activity caught my attention because I usually use it in my work as a teacher training in Speech and Hearing.
    Also, I really liked that you used Genially for the activity. I think it is a very interesting web resource that helps us motivate students.

    Best regards

    Pilar Mayo

  2. Thank you so much for your comment and your positive words, Pilar!

    As you, I also think Genially is a great resource to create our own materials and interactive tasks.

    Best regards,


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello María
    I really like your blog, it's very well structured and it's easy to find each of the 4 activities we have to do. Also, I have to say that the speaking activity you have created with Genially is my favourite and the reason is because sometimes is hard for the kids to start talking in a second language, but with an interactive image like the one you have made with the menus, I think will be easier to have a conversation with the partners.
    Congrats for your blog! Diana.

  5. Hello Diana, thank you for your comment! I'm glad you liked the blog.

    I agree with you when you say that, for students, it is hard to start to speak a second language, especially when they are younger. We can make this process more straightforward thanks to websites or apps like Genially.

    Best regards,


  6. Hello María!
    First of all, I find your blog very attractive due to the colours chosen and the organisation of the website.
    Once I've read your activity what I like the most is that it recreates a real situation so I think is very helpfull in order to practice vocabulary and to give opportunities to that students who have more dificulties in social skills.
    I also want to remark that you have work hard in your Genially menus because they are so authentic.
    To sum up, good job!

  7. Hi Maria, I think that you have done a phenomenal job on both the blog and the activities - as others have mentioned, your blog is really well organized and I like the easy-to-navigate layout of the blog contents in particular.

    As for the skills contents/activities, I love that you´ve not only provided a creative activity (ex. the lyricstraining activity with Encanto for listening, this genially menu game for speaking) but that you´ve also followed up the activity with further didactic reinforcements, like asking students about which menu they would choose or the two questions related to Bruno in the listening exercise. Your activities have been really well thoughtout and are multi-layered, and your accompanying resources are well made. Great job!
    - Rebecca


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